Why Beauty Matters
How do you define beauty? We all have a different answer, but there is an 'agreement', throughout centuries and cultures, of what we collectively define as beautiful. At every level of the human experience, we are searching for beauty. Scans show that a part of our brain reacts more strongly when we are exposed to beauty through images, music or tactic surfaces. That same part of our brain is also connected to our emotions and even our ability to make decisions. Our response to beauty is part of what makes us human.
Beauty has the ability to slow down time, to calm us, to cut through the noise of a chaotic world and allow us to be fully present in the moment. It contributes to our happiness, our well-being and even our health. It is not a coincidence that we feel more relaxed and content when we are in an environment that we perceive as aesthetically pleasing.
EM Design Studio applies the time-honored principles of design -unity, harmony, balance, emphasis, rhythm, proportion and scale -to all of our work. These cornerstones of beauty are sacred and are fundamental to our quest to seek perfection; the standard that we judge our work and our dedication to our craft.